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You are one of our customers for hosting of your website and/or emails ? You’ll find here all technical parameters to configure properly your email software ou use Webmail, and also FTP access to update your web site.

Email Configuration:

In any cases, you always have access at your emails using the Webmail system. It’s avalaible there: Webmail Domedia or also most of time at https://webmail.mydomain (mydomain to be replaced by your own domain name) and you just need to use your login/pass of your mailbox.

Parameters needed are all listed below. You can access your mailbox either in IMAP or POP3 mode., but we strongly advise you to use it in IMAP mode. IMAP mode ensures permanent synchronisation of your mailbox between all your devices (which is impossible in POP3).

SMTP/POP3/IMAP Server: mail.mydomain (authentification is mandatory) (mydomain to be replaced by your own domain name).

Encryption is mandatory for connection with our servers. You have to activate these options:

SMTP: SSL mode , port 465 (if needed), password mode: clear

POP3/IMAP: StartTLS mode, port 143 (if needed)

Username or login and password associated with are the ones you have received when mailbox has been created (you can also get list of all logins in the control panel (password can not be seen for safety reasons but can be resetted there)). Out of few exceptions your login is always in similar syntax customeridentifier.mailboxidentifier (don’t confuse it with the email address itself that is like

Few examples of setup for most common email softwares (no support will be given for Mail from Apple and Outlook from Microsoft softwares, these two softwares being worse emails clients that exist on earth !).

Thunderbird (open-source software avalaible for most common OS):

Thunderbird (Exemple)








Airmail (paid software for Mac OSX and IoS):

Exemple Airmail














FTP Setup FTP:

FTP access allows you to transfer files between our servers where your files are hosted and your computer. We strongly advise you to open-source software Filezilla that is avalaible on all current platforms. Careful, for a good compatibility with our servers, you’ll need to use version 3.48 or above of Filezilla. Your identifier is same as the one for the control panel and that has been sent to you when your account has been created (Warning: user accounts for control panel can not be used for FTP, you still have to use FTP credentials of each individual hosting account).

Filezilla (Configuration)